How to keep your baby happy

All good parents have one thing in common: they put their babies’ health and happiness first. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to tell what babies want and need, and it can create a great deal of stress for new mothers and fathers. Try these tips when you need some quick advice on turning those tantrums into toothless grins.

The Nail Snail is a popular tool amongst parents of young children, featuring a fun design and a noiseless cutting edge for trauma-free trimming. It’s the perfect shape and size for children under the age of five, and for slipping into your bag when you’re heading out the door. Less stress, pain, and tears? Yes, please!

Invest in quality toys

Babies absorb an amazing amount of new information in the first few years of their lives, and toys play an important role in keeping their brains active. The basic soft toys and puzzle games from decades past have since been overtaken by toys for a new tech-savvy generation, many of which are geared towards accelerating your baby’s learning. Quality toys are a win-win: they’ll keep your baby entertained and productive for hours, and give you the chance to finish the occasional cup of coffee.

Get into a routine

Right from the beginning, humans are creatures of habit, and an effective routine is very important. This is mostly about the basics like feeding your baby at the same times each day, and getting into a regular sleep pattern. Even if you can’t always stick to it, this will help the whole family to feel more settled throughout the early years, and you can always adjust these patterns as your baby grows.

Embrace new experiences

So much of life is made up of new experiences, and for your new baby, every experience falls into that category. This is great news for both of you because it gives you an excuse to go on little adventures, see interesting places, and open yourself up to the unfamiliar. You’ll get to enjoy some of your favourite pastimes, and your baby will get the benefit of seeing new parts of the world, one outing at a time.

Take time for yourself

New parents often feel as though their baby is their whole world, but, as the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Babies are very much in tune with your emotional state, so much so that it affects their own, which is why it’s so important to keep yourself in good condition, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Parenting burnout is a real thing, so don’t feel guilty for taking some time out when you need it – hire a babysitter or ask a friend to help, and after a few hours, you’ll have the energy to be your best self again.

In the early days, figuring out how to meet your baby’s needs can be quite a mission, but over time, you’ll become more tuned in to the nuances of their communication. Take each day as a learning experience, and don’t forget to bolster your own happiness in the process.

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