Travelling with a baby

 misconception that once you have a baby, your days of exploring the world are over. Granted, exhaustion may well keep you at home for the first few months, or even years, but when you are ready to venture out into the world with your newest addition, these are the things you’ll want to consider.

Where to go

While there’s nothing stopping you from travelling with a baby, choosing a baby-friendly destination will make your trip far easier. That means taking things like weather conditions and accommodation options into consideration, and if you’re travelling for leisure, choosing activities that will cater for a family and keep baby entertained as well. In other words, while the right tools can be a huge help in the process of navigating an unfamiliar experience, it will always be difficult to enjoy a week in a one-bedroom apartment during monsoon season, so choose wisely.

What to pack

On your first expedition with your baby, the idea of packing light will probably seem impossible, but it can be done. Essentially, you should be ruthless with your suitcase space and resist the urge to pack anything other than those things you cannot buy at your destination. If you’re travelling by plane, start by ticking off essential items for a comfortable flight, like pairs of headphones, blankets, nappies, snacks or teething toys, and your trusty Bubby Cover for feeding. It’s a good idea to also bring some extra earbuds for the passengers around you in anticipation of some noise, and a front harness to help lull baby to sleep. By comparison, a car trip can be a relatively simple affair, but you’ll still need to organise a comfortable, secure car seat and plenty of toys to keep a restless baby occupied, and also be prepared to take several rest stops along the way.

How to prepare

There are a few things you’ll need to do before setting off on your big adventure. First, get the all clear from your doctor so that you can be sure your baby’s immune system is strong enough for the trip, especially if you’ll be travelling by air. Then, it’s time to get stuck into research. Find out as many travel details as you can, right down to the public transport or rental car options available or the seating selections on the plane. If it’s an option, it would be wise to contact the airline ahead of time to organise priority boarding. Research is critical as even seemingly small details like car seat usability in a rental vehicle can have a huge impact on your trip. While you’re at it, you could even scope out reputable babysitting companies servicing your destination in case you intend to take a night off. Having a baby doesn’t have to stop you from doing what you used to do – you just might have to change the way those things are done. As long as you are well prepared and flexible in your planning approach, there’s nothing standing between you and a great trip away.

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